HomeCareerLaid off, Furlough & Fired employees

Laid off, Furlough & Fired employees


As we wrap up this year, we need to make an effort to end any form of conflict we have with our colleagues. It is unhealthy to work in an environment that has a lot of tension; and...

Sometimes our Lack of Manners Cost Us More Than our Ignorance

Learn to say thank you A simple thank-you can save your job and keep your relationships going. It can open you to other opportunities and open new conversations that will help you on that project you are working...

Know your Boss and Work with him/her Accordingly

In the first company you worked for, your boss was comfortable with you coming in at 9:30 am and leaving at 3:00pm. He understood that irrespective of the time you came, your productivity was what mattered to...

My Struggle with Procrastination and How I am Overcoming It (Part 2)

Phase 1: Reading more books Acknowledgment I started in the month of April, 2020. I was tired of trying to talk smart but without having the right understanding and context of issues. I discovered that despite pursuing an advanced...

This is for Employees who were Just Laid Off from their Roles- Part 1

If you are reading this, you might have been told your services are no longer needed in the organization and as such a decision was made to let you go. Quite often than not, this is not...

Must read