

How Companies are Creating Redundant Employees – Part 1

Some years ago, while working for a local company, I made a few observations. Most of the employees in the organisation had not been trained for the past fifteen years (at that time). Some of the departments...

It is not about 9-5 but the value you generate in your 9-5 job

Just last month, I read Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers and he made a very interesting point that stuck with me. If we are given the opportunity to work at a toll booth for $100,000 a year as against...

This is for Employees who were Just Laid Off from Their Roles (Part 2)

Do not rush or jump to any job immediately if you have not done this already Sometimes, out of frustration, you may take a job a week or two after your layoff. This in itself is not bad...

My Struggle with Procrastination and How I am Overcoming It (Part 1)

Losing an opportunity Growing up, my parents and siblings told me that I liked to do things on my own schedule. I was the last to do my laundry, last to leave home for school, and close to...

If you are a Leader, you Need to be Authentic

When a leader lacks authenticity, it is evident their influence on their followers is minimal or non-existent. They are unable to inspire others with who they are. They are often forced to show empathy in order to...

Must read