This is for Employees who were Just Laid Off from Their Roles (Part 2)

  • Do not rush or jump to any job immediately if you have not done this already

Sometimes, out of frustration, you may take a job a week or two after your layoff. This in itself is not bad if you are aware of the company’s culture, norms and values and current financial standing. There are some companies that lay employees off every two years and new employees suffer the most from such layoffs. Going through a layoff the second time may be something you do not want to experience again; hence choose carefully. Know the organization’s culture and how your skills may make an impact there.

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  • Making the right investment

It is easy to assume you want to start a business with your severance pay. It is not a bad idea to decide on entrepreneurship. However, know exactly what business you want to do, research it, ask about the existing market for the business or service you want to render, and how scalable it is before you venture into it.  Sometimes, merging your investment with trusted friends to start a business together can be helpful but this requires huge trust and commitment.

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  • Take a day at a time

When you go through this phase, it is very tempting to try and prove yourself to people and start off big. Remember, you don’t need to prove your worth to anyone who knows you. You need to improve on yourself each day. Take one day at a time. Plan in steps; it may take time but it will all make sense. Do not rush into doing things. Remember you are no more on a steady income so you owe yourself and your family a huge responsibility to take a day at a time, and trust not just the process but yourself in the process.


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